Monday, September 30, 2013

Self Portraits

This past week my students created their very own self portrait. I absolutely love doing this art lesson with my little ones. It is a step by step process, but once completed, the students are so excited that they were able to make such a beautiful work of art. 

The students had to first create an outline using black marker. I chose to do this in small groups to better focus the kiddos. Once they completed their outline, they filled in their faces with crayon. The next day, the students filled in the background with watercolor. 

Every single portrait came out so beautiful. 

Family and Sorting

This past week was all about family. This unit gave the student the opportunity to learn about different types of families as well as family roles. 

One of my favorite activities in this unit is the family glyph. It's a great way for the students to compare the different types of families that are in our classroom. 

The students have to follow a key and create their own house based on who lives in their household. Each square represents a different family member. As you can see, our class has many different families. This one activity lead to so many great class discussions about family. 

We also incorporated sorting into our family unit. The students had to sort different family members into two categories: child vs adult. This lesson was really great for math, language arts, as well as social studies. Plus the kiddies loved it. 

We also did a really cute rainbow sort when talking about colors. The students had to create a rainbow by matching similar colors. They turned out so cute and colorful. 

To end our family unit, the students created "helping hands". They each got a hand and had to draw a picture of how they help a family member. Some of their responses were so adorable. 

Monday, September 23, 2013

Fire Safety Week

This past week was fire safety week. We learned about the different types of fire, how to be safe around fire, and also what to do in an emergency. Of course we also did so fun art projects to go with the theme. 

The students each made a very cute fire truck. On the wheels it says "stop, drop, roll". Each one turned out so cute and with such personality. 

We also are learning about patterns this week and I created a fire pattern worksheet to continue the theme. Every student did such a wonderful job. 

At the end of the week we got a surprise visit from our local fire department. The kids were so shocked to see real life firemen. The loved looking at all the equipment and being able to try on the clothes. 

After the firemen left, the students drew thank you pictures for the firemen. They were so unique and thoughtful. I can't wait to send them out. 

A big thank you to station 12 for taking the time to come out. The kiddos can't stop talking about it. 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Shapes and more Shapes

Last week we finished our unit on shapes. The students had so much fun creating and playing with all the different shapes. 

One of the books that went with the theme was "A Fishy Shape Story" by Joanna and David Wylie. 

This is an old book, though a great one when it comes to learning about shapes. After reading it a few times, I had the students make their own shape fish. They turned out so cute. 

The students also did some shape cutting practice. It was really interesting to watch the students manipulate the different shapes with their scissors. Cutting is a new skill they are all working on. 

The last big activity we did was make mouse shapes. This project came out so cute and unique. I absolutely love how they all turned out. 

The students all added a background to their mouse. It was really cute to hear the stories of where their mice were and what they were doing in the pictures. 

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Sensory Table

One of my favorite centers I have in my class is the sensory table. This center allows students to play and discover with new objects and materials. They have so much fun touching and playing within this center. I like to change the contains monthly and always try to add new and exciting experiences for my students. 

This month I have colored beans and water beads. 

I have used colored rice many times in the past, however I found that using white beans is a lot easier when it comes to cleanup. The students absolutely love playing with the beans and the little toys I add in the bucket. 

 To make colored beans all you need is one bag of beans, 5 - 10 drops of food color, and 1/2 cup vinegar. Put all the contains in a ziplock bag and mix. When the beans are completely saturated, lay them on a piece of tinfoil to dry over night. 

The other sensory bin I have is full of clear water beads. I have never used these in a center before but now I don't know how our class went without it. The sensory experience form these beads are amazing and so interesting for the students.

Water beads are polymer beads that absorb water. Traditionally they are used as decoration in vases or bowls. You can purchase water beads at any craft store. I bought the dehydrated clear beads and added them to a bucket of water. The beads took about three hours to plump up. 

I honestly believe a sensory center is a must for all TK classrooms. The students love playing with the unique objects inside. 

Thursday, September 5, 2013

All about Shapes

For the next two weeks, we are learning all about shapes. This is a large math unit that we do in TK. I love this unit because there are so many cute projects that you can do. 

One of my favorite ones is the Pete the Cat shapes. I found this on Pinterest a while back and adapted it for my little ones. It is great to reinforce shapes, position words, following directions, and endurance.  Plus they are super cute and all have such personality. 

We also did a shape hunt. The students had to find different shapes around the room and draw the object in the corresponding shape. They were so creative with what they picked to use. 

I'm also teaching the students how to trace, which is a difficult motor skill for this age. They did really well with it. 

We also did a little cutting practice at the beginning of the week. I gave each student three pieces of paper with different lines. They had to follow the lines with their scissors and then glue the pieces on paper.  I was so proud of their cutting skills. 

Next week will continue with shapes but we will also start learning our letters. There is a lot more fun coming up.