Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Friends and Colors

We are continuing with our theme of friends and colors this week and of course we are creating some cute art to go with it.

Yesterday we made pictures of our friends out of construction paper and crayons. I think the simplicity of this project is what makes it so cute. Each student is able to add their own little personality to it so none look alike.

For math we are learning all about our colors. I have been using the book "Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes" written by Eric Litwin. The students love the song that comes with the book;  we sing it all the time in class. I use the book as a transition into colors and also use it for extension activities.

                                                              Pete the Cat Website link

So today using Pete's shoes, we created a favorite color graph. The students absolutely loved showing off their favorite color and also comparing the data with their friends. It was a big hit activity.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Mosaic Names

Today we made mosaic names. It goes with our themes this week of learning our colors and names. It is also my mini lesson on how to use liquid glue. I have to say that it is my favorite project. I think that they turn out so cute and colorful. 

Each student is given a black piece of paper that I wrote their name on with pencil. Then they must use one dot of glue and one square of paper at a time to  trace their name. 

I must say that I was very proud of my kiddos. They did such a great job and got the project done very quickly. Love it. 

Friday, August 23, 2013

I made it through the fist week!!!

Ok folks... The first week is officially done. I have to say that my students this year are wonderful and they are picking things up so quickly. 

This week was mostly about learning routines, though I was able to add a few art projects throughout the week. 

Here are two self portraits that the kiddos did. I do this project at the beginning and end of the school year to show their growth. They are so cute. 

I also had them make owls for our class tree to go with our classroom theme. This lesson was about how to use glue sticks and to my surprise they all did really well. They each have their own personality too. 

Earlier this week we learned how to use watercolors. I love this project. I tell the kiddos that the paper is "magic" and it knows there name. So when they paint on it their name will appear. They believe it every time. 

Today we made apples. It was a lesson on how to use paint.  This is a pic of all 30 of them drying. On Monday we will add a steam and leaves. 

Overall, this was an amazing week. I have introduced all the rules of the class as well as the centers. I'm looking forward to next week when we get to start on the curriculum. We are learning our names and colors next week. It is going to be fun. 

Friday, August 16, 2013

Ready for Monday

So after a long summer of work, Monday is right around the corner. Surprisingly I actually do feel prepared.
 This is my class and its ready for the kiddies. On every desk I have a little drawing worksheet and their ID tags. 

I just had my meet the teacher event yesterday and was able to meet all of my students. They are so cute and little. I can't wait to really get to know them. I think for the most part they will be ok on Monday. Most were very independent and outgoing. However I was warned that one will most likely have a hard time leaving mom. It always makes me sad to see them so upset. 

One thing I am very excited about is my frame that I made. I completely stole this idea from my wonderful coworker Jenny. I think my students will look very cute on the first day posing with this. I also have to give credit to my model, Zoie. She is my three year old neighbor that loves to help me out. 

Well now it is time to rest up for the first day. Very excited to see how it all turns out. 


Tuesday, August 13, 2013

My First Post

Yeah... I am officially starting my own teaching blog. I am so excited to share all the fun things that happen everyday in my TK classroom.

For my first post, I decided that I should give you a classroom tour. I am starting the school year in a new room at a new school. I kept the same "owl" theme that I had last year just re-vamped it a bit.

So here we go....

Here is my wonderful class tree that I must say I am very proud of it. My students will be adding cute little owls to it during the first week.

This is my main teaching area. I am really excited about the set-up. I decided to slip it into two sections, this way the students will have to rotate to wherever I am teaching. I like the added movement for the students.



These are just a few of the many different centers in my room. Center time is a big part of our day.

These are my wonderful cubbies that I purchased from IKEA. I must say that I love them. Plus they add much needed counter space in my room.

Last but not least, my little office. The room I am in has two attached private offices. I used one as a storage room and the other for my office. It is a very nice convince especially because I am sharing the room in the afternoons with a daycare program. This way I can close my doors and do my work.

I hope you like my little tour. I am happy with the finished project. I think my little kiddos will love it.
